New Study: Making Interoperability Work

New Study: Making Interoperability Work

Title of the announcement "REALISING INTEROPERABILITY". Subtitle: "An international study on challenges and solutions for European university alliances". Logo on the bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Achieving interoperability is a crucial challenge for European universities. The study „Making Interoperability Work“ has analysed common use cases of university alliances and highlights how barriers towards collaboration and an international education ecosystem can be removed. Download the study here.

Title of the announcement "REALISING INTEROPERABILITY". Subtitle: "An international study on challenges and solutions for European university alliances". Logo on the bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

The Study “Making Interoperability Work – Challenges and Solutions for an Interoperable Higher Education System”, has been carried out by Technopolis in close cooperation with Hochschulforum Digitalisierung between November 2022 and July 2023. 

It calls for more guidance and orientation from policy makers and mandated stakeholder organisations to reduce systemic uncertainty, generate (technical) directionality, and actively shape a trajectory towards an interoperable European university system. This is key to leverage the “power of public money” to reach interoperability in higher education. 

Its short, medium and long term recommendations for those who are on the road towards interoperability show how interoperability can be achieved if the European Commission, Member States, alliances, universities and the private sector work together.

Further information can be found here

The Study can be downloaded here


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