What do innovative approaches and effective solutions for the further development of digital learning and teaching look like, and what are success factors? Since May 22, 5 selected delegation teams are in their detailed planning to spend the next six months abroad to gather information, network with international partners, and share good practices in Germany.

With the advertised funding of 1000 euros per delegation member, the task was to apply with a topic strategically relevant to German higher education and a convincing overall concept. Destinations and time periods were to be chosen freely, and the team was to be as diverse as possible and suitable in terms of expertise.
After a close race for the 5 available places, the following topics will be discussed at European universities will be investigated during the delegation trips:
- Netherlands, including Utrecht University, University of Rotterdam, on the topic:New learning spaces in new building on campus
- Austria, Graz University of Technology, on the topic:Future Skills and Teaching Competence for the Digital Transformation in Higher Education.
- Israel, Gordon Academic College (GACE), on the topic:Hybrid International Teaching & Learning – HILL
- Netherlands, Delft University of Technology on the topic:Open-Educational-Resources-Ambassadors
- England, Imperial College London and University of Brighton, on the topic:Students-as-partners approach (Anglo-Saxon approach).
Representatives from the following German universities will participate in the trips: Evangelische Hochschule Dresden; TU Hamburg; HCU Hamburg; International University (IU); HTW Saar; SRH Heidelberg; Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ORCA; Virtueller Campus Rheinland-Pfalz (VCRP); University of Marburg; TU Braunschweig; University of Hildesheim; Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
With the start of the first trips End of November 2023 we will report here on the delegation trips, publish travel diaries and stream publicly available sessions (from abroad). The subsequent presentation of results and general dissemination of the findings play an important role in enabling the German community to share in the insights gained and benefit from the networks.

Luisa Gregory
Luisa Gregory ist Projektreferentin bei der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK). Im HFD betreut sie die Arbeitsgruppen zur Digitalen Souveränität sowie zur Digitalen Barrierefreiheit und ist zudem für die Veranstaltungsplanung der HFDcon zuständig. Sie studierte Betriebswirtschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre in Heidelberg und Stuttgart-Hohenheim und beschäftigte sich in ihrer empirischen Masterarbeit mit den unterschiedlichen Karriereverläufen von Männern und Frauen. Danach arbeitete sie u.a. an der Industrie -und Handelskammer Darmstadt Rhein Main Neckar, wo sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Geschäftsbereich Innovation und Umwelt tätig war.