In its networking offerings, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) brings together university members of all status groups to enable a Germany-wide exchange across disciplines, universities, and states, to jointly set impulses, and thus to jointly advance digital and innovative teaching.

As the largest network for digitization in teaching and learning in Germany, the HFD provides a nationwide point of contact for a direct and uncomplicated exchange of experience and competence building in the area of digital teaching and learning. With us you will find a professional, safe and trustworthy frameworkThe aim of the event is to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and needs, and share experiences and best practices in a collegial atmosphere and on an equal footing. The Networking idea is at the heart of everything the HFD offers. Through the exchange in our formats a network of experts and interested partieswhich new ideas and approaches and to transfer the transfer the knowledge gained to the wider university landscape.
Our services are aimed at university teachers, university administrators, employees of didactic and support institutions, and students. In principle, all those involved in digital teaching are welcome. At the center of our activities is the Community itself, which networks, engages in peer learning and jointly develops new ideas and concepts.
Our offers at a glance
HFDnetzwerk: Our communication platform is the central meeting point by, for and with the HFD community. It includes a searchable member directory that allows users to find targeted discussion partners and topic-specific exchange formats, as well as continuing education offerings in the area of digital teaching. The direct messenger “Mattermost” also enables a direct approach. Our Community Certficate “HFDcert” can also be used via the platform.
The HFDlead – Network on Strategy & Digitization – connects university leaders across organizations. As part of a year-long program, decision-makers at management level work together in tandem teams to exchange ideas on strategies for digitization in higher education.
Großveranstaltungen und weitere Events: Wirkungsvolle Groß-Events wie das University:Future Festival und die HFDcon sorgen sowohl digital als auch in Präsenz für die Verbreitung gewonnener Erkenntnisse und weitergehende Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten. Weitere Veranstaltungen finden Sie auf unserer Seite HFD-Events sowie in unserem Terminkalender.
HFD Hangouts: Die Online-Treffen für Interessierte bieten in regelmäßigen Abständen und zu wechselnden Themen Gelegenheit zum informellen Austausch in der Community.
Digitalisierung in den Fächern: Fachspezifische Digitalisierungsexpertise bündeln und ein niedrigschwelliges Angebot für Lehrende schaffen – das ist das Ziel von DiF.
HFDlocal: On site and in personal exchange, we would like to identify current topics and needs, get to know expertises and network groups with each other according to their needs.
International: Auch über Grenzen hinweg möchten wir die Community von Bildungsexpert:innen – z. B. durch Delegationsreisen – vernetzen, um den Austausch von internationalen Perspektiven und Erfahrungen sowie Good Practices zu intensivieren und diese in die Praxis von Lehrenden und Lernenden einbringen zu können.
All other HFD formats: Exchange and networking are also the focus of all other HFD offerings – for example, in our formats from the areas of “Innovate and advise” and “Further education”.