Kai-Uwe Hunsicker is founder of a state-certified medical education provider and senior medical advisor at an eHealth start-up in Mannheim. Since October 2020, he has been active as a #DigitalChangeMaker at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and is a permanent member of the Saar regional association of the Hartmannbund. Kai Uwe Hunsicker is an honorary speaker at the Society for Security Policy. He also provides pro bono advice to a Berlin-based organisation that helps international doctors with a refugee background to gain a foothold in the health sector and to find their way into German society.



#SemesterHack 2.0: Digital Higher Education Beyond Borders – An Interview

#SemesterHack 2.0 joined the international stage in November 2020 as part of the worldwide idea hackathon DigiEduHack. Organised by HFD, DAAD and KI-Campus, #SemesterHack 2.0 brings together idea drivers and players from the education sector. They are all united by one goal: to make digital higher education sustainable and thus change it. The Hackathon is […]

Sharepic DigiEduHack 12. und 13. November