Book of Abstracts for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders

Book of Abstracts for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders

Cover of the Book of Abstracts for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders

On the starting day of the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders, we present to you the Book of Abstracts

Cover of the Book of Abstracts for the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond BordersOn December 9 and 10, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) host the international strategy conference Strategies Beyond Borders – Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age. 

The conference’s Book of Abstracts is available today. All those who cannot be present at the fully booked event can watch the live stream. Additionally, we reccomend the Twitter hashtag #StrategyCon2019

You can read and download the Book of Abstracts here.



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