Magazine strategy digital
The magazine strategie digital is aimed at all those concerned with higher education strategies in the digital age. The magazine is published once a year in autumn. The focus of the upcoming, fourth issue is the topic “Learning Spaces”. This will be published in fall 2023 and will be accompanied by the webinar series “CHE Talk feat. HFD”.
In October 2021, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung published the magazine strategy digital launched. Each issue is devoted to a key topic. In addition to articles on the respective main topic of the magazine, special attention is paid to the community. In the context of calls for proposals (“Community Calls”), the HFD community can make its own contributions. In various formats, authors from the higher education sector also share their experiences and insights on digitization in teaching and learning.
“Future-oriented learning spaces” are the main topic of the fourth issue of the HFD magazine strategy digital. The issue was published in September 2023 and is aimed at learning space novices as well as learning space experts. It is intended to provide readers with ideas on how to approach processes related to the design of learning spaces. In doing so, we incorporate the latest findings from learning space research, take up participation methods, show good practices from abroad and integrate practical tips on how to set up a learning space process from the very beginning. In this context, we understand “learning spaces” to mean the entire place of higher education: the campus outdoor spaces are also included in the design. In addition to the student perspective, the HFD community also has its say and was able to submit their favorite learning spaces. All in all, there are many ways to (re)design learning spaces – the best thing to do is to contact stakeholders and get started right away!
Das Thema „Partizipation“ ist Schwerpunkt der dritten Ausgabe von strategie digital, erschienen im Oktober 2022. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie Partizipationsprozesse an Hochschulen erfolgreich gestaltet werden können. Dazu konnten wir Autor:innen aus allen beteiligten Statusgruppen gewinnen: von der (ehemaligen) Hochschulleitung über Lehrende bis hin zu Studierenden. Die Autor:innen zeigen in ihren Beiträgen konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele, wie man verschiedene Gruppen in strategische Prozesse einbinden kann. Auch einen Blick auf das Thema Partizipation in Digitalisierungsprozessen von Seiten der Forschung, ein internationales Beispiel sowie Good Practices unserer Community können Sie in diesem Magazin finden. Worin sich die Autor:innen einig sind? Transparenz ist unabdingbar und es lohnt sich, neue (Begegnungs-)Anlässe zu schaffen!
Focus of the first issue (October 2021) of strategy digital is the topic of “(Digital) Leadership”. The strategic orientation of universities or their subdivisions is directly linked to the leadership understanding of their managers. There are several approaches worth considering. One focus is on digital leadership. In the past two years, the Corona pandemic has transported topics of digitization and rapid crisis management onto the agendas of educational institutions with enormous force – in many cases an accelerator for digital transformation at universities. But what does it mean to lead a university that is undergoing such a process? Are there success factors for good digital leadership? These and other questions are answered in the magazine.
Focus of the first issue (October 2021) of strategy digital is the topic of “(Digital) Leadership”. The strategic orientation of universities or their subdivisions is directly linked to the leadership understanding of their managers. There are several approaches worth considering. One focus is on digital leadership. In the past two years, the Corona pandemic has transported topics of digitization and rapid crisis management onto the agendas of educational institutions with enormous force – in many cases an accelerator for digital transformation at universities. But what does it mean to lead a university that is undergoing such a process? Are there success factors for good digital leadership? These and other questions are answered in the magazine.
The launch of the magazine was accompanied by an interactive exchange with three of the authors on the topic of (digital) leadership. Within the framework of the University:Future Festival 2021. Anne Prill,Prof. Dr. Kerstin Mayrberger andProf. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers shared their leadership approaches in a 30-minute talk. The session was moderated by Josephine Sames. The Session “(Digital) Leadership at Universities” you can watch on YouTube watch.
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