Let’s Talk:Campus
Let’s Talk:Campus was a hybrid event on the future of campus life and took place as a one-day offshoot of the University:Future Festival will take place on October 20, 2022. A total of around 800 people took part in the event online and in Berlin. While the focus during the day was on talk and workshop formats, the evening get-together was rounded off by a political evening. Politicians met here with students to discuss current issues. Let’s Talk:Campus was organized by the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung together with the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching organized. The event produced numerous video recordings and blog posts worth watching and reading, which were further discussed at the University:Future Festival 2023.

Focus topics of Let’s Talk:Campus included digital and analog spaces, participation and inclusion, and sustainability. The Program was largely composed of contributions from the community. More than half of the sessions came from students.
Highlights from the program were:
Marina Weisband, educator, spoke about “Empowerment – learning to act in times of loss of control.
Tobias Holle, student and climate activist, believed, “Time for #highpressure
“- Prof. Dr. Nina Wimann-Sandig, ehs Dresden, discussed “Why the Students as Partners approach is turning our German higher education system upside down”.
- Numerous student representatives from the federal, state and university levels contributed their positions – including Marie Müller and Daryoush Danaii from the fzs (federation of student unions).
Click here for the program overview on YouTube:
Political Evening:
The day’s program was followed by the political evening. Here, students were given the opportunity to discuss with politicians from the state and federal governments. In three rounds, the three student tandems, consisting of. Kevin Saukel and Bernadette Gruber (DigitalChangeMaker), Kira Bartsch and Jorin Meyer (Netzwerk N) and Sofie Schönborn and Gabriel Häusler (TechAcademy), presented their topics to the politicians and entered into an open exchange. The students were selected through a public call.
The following politicians participated in the political evening:
- Dr. Jens Brandenburg, FDP, parl. StS BMBF
- Ayse Asar, Greens, StS Hessian Ministry of Science and Art
- Nadine Schön, CDU, Member of the Bundestag, Deputy Parliamentary Group Chairwoman
- Sophia Schiebe, SPD, Member of Parliament Schleswig-Holstein
Click here for the recording of the political evening:
For more information on Let’s Talk:Campus and the University:Future Festival, visit: