HFD Events
The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung regularly organizes events – sometimes on its own, sometimes with partners. Our events serve the content-related discussion, the personal exchange, the further education and the common work. We offer a wide range of options and different formats, from online to face-to-face events.

From the small online meetup to the hackathon and the University:Future Festival with 3,800 participants: The Hochschulforum Digitalisierung organizes numerous events around innovations in higher education.
Target groups, methods and size are of course always different. What all events have in common is that we involve our community and that we constantly question ourselves in terms of content and format.
If you are interested in HFD events, you can find all scheduled events here in the Calendar.
Some event highlights from previous years:
- University:Future Festival (2020, 2021 & 2023)
- Let’s Talk:Campus (2022)
- HFDcon (2019 & 2022)
- Curriculum Barcamp (2022)