Digitization of the departments
With the format Digitalization of the Departments (DiF), the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung wants to bundle subject-specific digitalization expertise and create a low-threshold offer for teachers that is aimed at both those who want to venture into digitally supported teaching and those who are looking for a space to reflect on and further develop their digital teaching practice.

With proven experts in the respective subject cultures, the HFD is developing an overview of the current state of digitization in the teaching of various subjects and illuminating discipline-specific opportunities and challenges of the digitization process. In doing so, it is our concern to make thespecifics of the subject cultures and good practices from German, but also international universities visible.
Through our communication platform HFDnetzwerk, we also offer the opportunity for permanent networking among university members of all status groups with an interest in the topic. Representatives from university management, teaching staff, support institutions and students can easily and directly exchange information with each other via the HFD channels.
Below you will find information on the subject groups already covered and all the products created in the context of the DiF-AGs:
More information on strategy consulting for departments: