Digital higher education at European level. An interview with Dr. Valerie Lemarquand
Digital higher education at European level. An interview with Dr. Valerie Lemarquand
“We are behind America and China relating to artificial intelligence, so Europe has to do something to exist.” In this interview, Dr. Valerie Lemarquand, University Attaché at the Embassy of France in Germany, talks about digitisation in higher education on a European level.
What status does higher education have for the European community?
Higher education is very important in Europe and for Europe and we have a wonderful tool for doing it – it’s the Bologna process. The Bologna process gives us key commitments, guidelines and rules and helps having harmonization all over the European space. It will help also to have Europe citizenship. Furthermore, we know that, the more the people are educated, the more they get involved in the life of the society. So having a European Network and a European University is a very good means to foster European citizenship. It’s an engine for Europe.
What is the impact of digitalization for higher education on a European level?
Digitalization is a wonderful tool to strengthen mobility, facilitation and networking. It will help having European universities at a European level with assurance of quality, recognition of diploma and it will promote the excellence of the European area with higher education and research. It’s a wonderful tool to evolve an own identity and challenge other parts like the United States or Asia.
How do France and Germany collaborate in developing an AI Strategy?
The strategy of collaboration is to enhance the funding for French and German projects relating to artificial intelligence. It’s a fact that we are behind America and China, so Europe has to do something to exist. And in this case, French and German policy is important.
The video was produced by KUXMA GmbH & Co. KG. Josephine Kuthning was responsible for editing and directing.