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Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
Ein Stapel mit Papieren, Magazinen und Zeitungen, erstellt via Midjourney.
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67 Suchergebnisse

What potential does e-learning have for fairness, transparency and the fight against discrimination

What potential does e-learning have for fairness, transparency and the fight against discrimination

The written word has a lasting effect, it is fixed and almost irrevocable. Can e-learning make a decisive contribution to combating discrimination and maintain fairness and transparency? And how does this compare to classroom teaching, where communication is situational and spontaneous? Dipl.-Ing. Julia Knopp from the RWTH Aachen University is investigating these questions.

The same for everyone, because you know noone.

Podcasts in higher education teaching

Podcasts in higher education teaching

What contribution can podcasts make to university studies? How can podcasts be used specifically in university teaching? What good podcasts about digital higher education already exist? In keeping with the publication of the third episode of the podcast by Campus Reloaded, the winners of our podcast competition "Podcasting the Digital Turn", Markus Deimann is addressing these questions and taking us into the promising world between loudspeakers and microphone.

Knowledge in the vest pocket. Listening Podcast

AI shouldn’t be left in the hands of programmers – Mattermost Live Interview with Ville Valtonen

AI shouldn’t be left in the hands of programmers – Mattermost Live Interview with Ville Valtonen

During the EMOOCs 2019 in Naples Oliver Janoschka (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung) will chair the session “Policy Track – National Digital Initiatives”. Ville Valtonen, Chief Marketing Executive of Reaktor, is one of the speakers. Reaktor developed the Elements of AI course in collaboration with University of Helsinki. Elements of AI is a MOOC designed to teach the basics […]


Blended Learning – a Comparison of the approaches at HdM Stuttgart and NTU Singapore

Blended Learning – a Comparison of the approaches at HdM Stuttgart and NTU Singapore

The status quo of blended learning and its future. In this interview, two experts from Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore give insights into their teaching apporaches. 

Statue of an arm holding a tree.

Building a Vision for the Future of Digital Education – Interview with Siân Bayne

Building a Vision for the Future of Digital Education – Interview with Siân Bayne

An interview with Prof. Siân Bayne on building a vision for the future of digital education.

a colorful robot

Future Skills and University 4.0—are you ready for the change?

Future Skills and University 4.0—are you ready for the change?

Teamwork, Future Skills and new teaching formats - the current university student and "Digital Native", Isabell Fries presents her vision for a university that teaches meaningful skills in the digital era. This article originally appeared in "Synergie - Fachmagazin für Digitalisierung in der Lehre".

Door to a lecture hall

“Bologna Digital” – Reinforcing the European Higher Education Area with Digital Solutions

“Bologna Digital” – Reinforcing the European Higher Education Area with Digital Solutions

Not to consider digital change as an additional challenge, but as an effective means to address key challenges for higher education: This is the central message of the position paper "Bologna Digital", which was initiated by several experts. It has now been published on the occasion of the meeting of European education and science ministers in May 2018. Florian Rampelt, Dominic Orr and Renata Suter have summarised the paper for our blog.

Bologna Digital 2020 – Harnessing the potential of digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area

Bologna Digital 2020 – Harnessing the potential of digitalisation in the European Higher Education Area

On December 14th 2018, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung hosted an international expert workshop on ‘Bologna Digital 2020’ in Berlin. In the next phase the participants will continue to work together to formulate a white paper for a Bologna Process, which fully harnesses the potential of digitalisation to improving teaching and learning in the EHEA.

Group in front of Brandenburger Tor

Why good teaching is crucial for preparing students for a digitised world

Why good teaching is crucial for preparing students for a digitised world

In this article, Professor Andreas Schleicher delineates his vision of the digital turn in global higher ecducation. 

Shanghai Skyline

Hybrid Learning Spaces and game-based learning – Prof. Dr. Sylvester Arnab interviewed

Hybrid Learning Spaces and game-based learning – Prof. Dr. Sylvester Arnab interviewed

Prof. Dr. Sylvester Arnab holds a professorship in game science at Coventry University, where he investigates the use of games, gamification and serious games in teaching and learning. He is co-initiator of the Disruptive Media Learning LAB and gave a keynote on innovative teaching and learning experiences through research and creative practices during our Summer School 2018. We had the chance to interview Sylvester during the Summer School.

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