Channa van der Brug contributes to the sharing of effective practices and to increasing opportunities for collaboration as HFD’s International Program Manager. She has 15+ years’ international experience in the education sector and a passion for the role of technology in shaping the future of education. Prior to joining the organisation in June 2022, she worked as a Conference Program Director at a leading global event on digital learning & training. Channa has been a Academic Representative at two publishing companies as well, and has worked at universities in Denmark and in the Netherlands, where she studied English I American Studies at Utrecht University.


Working together to increase cybersecurity at universities: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionized the way universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it brings new challenges, for example in the area of cybersecurity. The increasing number of Cyberattacks on universities – as does Hans Pongratz, an expert at the Center for Higher Education (zhb) at TU Dortmund University, at […]


Raising Cyber Security in Higher Education through Coordinated Efforts: Good Practices from France

The digital transformation of higher education has revolutionised how universities operate and engage with their stakeholders. However, it also brings about new challenges, for instance in the realm of cybersecurity. The increase of the number of cyber attacks on universities – as Hans Pongratz, expert at the Zentrum für HochschulBildung (zhb) of TU Dortmund, pointed out […]

Cover image of blog entry "RAISING CYBER SECURITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION." Subtitle: "A blog post by Channa van der Brug and Pierre Boulet. Good Practices from France. Image at right shows a lock on a keyboard. Logo on bottom right: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.

Embracing the Future at U:FF

An exciting line-up of thought-provoking panels and talks showcased at the University:Future Festival 2023 will explore the innovative approaches that are shaping the future of higher education today. In the following, HFD’s own Channa van der Brug walks you through some of the most anticipated English language sessions of the festival. With a diverse range of […]

Sharepic for international sessions at U:FF 2023, Text: University:Future Festival 2023 I 26.04. - 28.04.2023,BLOG POST,EMBRACING THE FUTURE: A sneak-peak into some of the  most anticipated English language sessions!, By Channa van der Brug; the logos of the HFD and StiL are pictured in the lower right-hand corner, the U:FF logo is displayed in the upper left corner